Story 2020-04; ESC2020
Published on 1 February 2020 by Valgeir Gudbjartsson
The 1st edition of the European Senior Championships was concluded on Saturday 1 February in Plus Bowling, Vienna, Austria.
In this 1st version of the ESC then we saw athletes from 25 federations – 96 men and 65 ladies compete in singles, doubles, teams all events and masters.
The 10 titles were distributed as follows:
5 titles in the women’s division
Singles: Elga di Benedetto, Italy
Doubles: Jaana Taavitsainen & Reija Lunden, Finland
Teams: Germany: Martina Beckel, Bianca Völkl-Brandt, Sabine Sonnenschein, Renate Heeg.
All Events: Sue Abela, Malta
Masters:Tuula Tamminen, Finland
5 titles in the men’s division
Singles: Gery Verbruggen, Belgium
Doubles: Luciano Marsero & Marco Reviglio, Italy
Teams: Germany: Tomas Fenselau, Robert Vetter, Peter Knopp, Frank Öing
All Events: Marco Reviglio, Italy
Masters: Marco Spiteri, Malta
Italy became the best federation with 3 Gold, 1 silver and 2 Bronze, Germany became the second best nation with 2 Gold, 2 Silver and 2 Bronze and Finland became the third best nation with 2 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze