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It is with great pleasure to announce the recognition of the Mediterranean Bowling Confederation by the International Committee of the Mediterranean Games (ICMG).

The Mediterranean Bowling Confederation family is very grateful for the support of ABF, ETBF, and BFA. It is highly appreciated.

Our thanks also to Mr. Athanasios Vasiliadis and Mr. Argyris Logothetis for their assistance, hard work, and passion they contributed towards this recognition.

Our special appreciation also to the President of IBF, Sheikh Talal Mohammad Al-Sabah for his help and support throughout the process.

This is the beginning of a lot of hard work and dedication from my committee to fulfil the requirements necessary for the ICMG.

Looking forward to a long and productive cooperation.



Marios Nicolaides
Mediterranean Bowling Confederation – President

As our beloved sport and industry are hit strongly by the pandemic, the ETBF Presidium and Educational committee decided to use this as an opportunity to enhance their educational programs.

The ETBF Academy Development Team will work on our existing coaching programs’ content and structure and will evaluate the options to make it more accessible via online channels. Besides improving our content for Coaching, Lane Maintenance and Ball Drilling programs, our team will work on creating additional online clinics for more advanced and focused content.

An ETBF Level IV Coaching Program will be the core part of our 2021 Development Project, which will provide a very important addition to our Coaching Programs. ETBF Senior Instructor Juha Maja will lead the Level IV Program which is planned to be released in 2022.

Ulf Hämnäs (Norway), Robert Anderson (Sweden), Mark Heathorn (England) and Calvin Murray (Scotland) will join our Development Team with our Educational Team members (Onder Gurkan, Marios Nicolaides, Piritta Maja, Costas Mitsingas and Gediz Ege). Our team will also communicate and work with various coaches and experts during this process.

We are very excited to start creating new contents and updating our programs for our federations.

Best regards with our hopes to come back to normal days …


ETBF – European Tenpin Bowling Federation is the governing body of Tenpin Bowling Federations in European zone. ETBF ACADEMY is European Tenpin Bowling Federation’s education platform that provides Coaching and Technical programs for Federations.


I have just been informed that GEORGE SARAHETE from Finland has passed away on the 23 January 2021 at the age of 91 years.

George was for many years the Secretary General of FIQ and gifted with the FIQ Gold Pin with Diamond – he became Honorary Member of FIQ as well.

May he rest in peace.


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic ETBF and the Host, The Nederland Bowling Federation have agreed to postpone the EYC2021 that was supposed to be held in Tilburg, NL during the 25 March – 4 April 2021

The host is working with the local authorities to find new dates that will be suitable and will be in the autumn 2021.

New dates will be published as soon as possible.


Finally, the year 2020 is coming to an end.

What a year! Many of us have suffered during this year.

How often have we said: “is there light at the end of the tunnel”?

YES, dear friends, there is light! Some of our countries have started vaccinating and other countries will start soon.

Will this open the door to our competitions? Let us hope so, because 2020 only gave us 1 championship (ESC) in Vienna in January. All other championships (EYC, EWC, EMC and the ECC) had to be postponed.

I am sure it must have been difficult/strange for you and your athletes to stay home. I can assure you that my Presidium and I look forward to the day where we can meet physically and be at championships.  You must have the same feeling.

We hope to see all of you soon again at our championships and tournaments.

On behalf of my Presidium, I wish you and your beloved a merry Christmas and may the New Year 2021 bring you love, happiness and most important, health.

Addie Ophelders
President ETBF

The host of the Leandersson Christmas tournament in Sweden, has decided to cancel the 2020 version of the tournament due to restrictions due to COVID-19

The tournament will however be back strong in the EBT 2021 during 11-19 December 2021.