Addie Ophelders
![]() | It is with great regret that I have to inform you that Irene Nicolaides, Marios Nicolaides wife, passed away 17 February. Needless to say that this is a great loss for Marios and his son Nicholas. On behalf of all his friends worldwide, we wish Marios and Nicholas all the strength he needs to bear this terrible loss. |
Addie Ophelders
European Bowling Federation
Dear friends,
Although a little late, I am informing you that the South African Tenpin Bowling Association (TBASA) is since 1 January 2023 an Associate Member of EBF.
When there was no African Zone, TBASA was a member federation of EBF (then ETBF). Even though there is an African Zone, TBASA still wanted to be an associate member of EBF. In their opinion the competition in our Zone is much more competitive than in Africa.
South Africa is paying a normal membership fee to EBF, and they can participate in our championships and win medals.
However, they cannot qualify thru EBF championships for World Championships. Our hosts for the upcoming championships will be informed.
Addie Ophelders
European Bowling Federation
Dear Friends,
It is with great pleasure that I can announce that EBF has a new General Secretary.
Thanks to the former Chairwoman of the Gender Equality Committee and also former General Secretary of EBF Mrs. Natasa Pirc Musar, we are able to welcome Mrs. Martina JAKOBI from Germany.
Martina is also working at the office of the German Bowling Federation and is very aware of what is going on in our bowling world.
The Presidium of EBF is looking forward to a great cooperation and wishes Martina a great time in European Bowling.
Addie Ophelders
Dear bowling friends,
The year 2022 is coming to an end.
It is a good custom if we wish each other a wonderful Christmas time and a good start in the New Year 2023. It is my privilege to wish you on behalf my presidium all the above.
I take this opportunity also to thank Dr. Natasa Pirc Musar for all her help, advise and friendship during her time as General Secretary of EBF and Chairwoman of the Gender Equality Committee.
She now must fulfil the big task being the President of the Republic of Slovenia. We all wish her the best.
I also wish that the leadership of IBF (including myself) finds a way out of the
deadlock we seem to have landed.
As of the 1st of January 2023, Martina Jakobi from Germany will be the new General Secretary of EBF. We also wish her the very best.
Me and my Presidium look forward to a fruitful 2023 and with the help of all our member federations and individual members we will be able to improve our BOWLING SPORT.
On behalf of the EBF Presidium,
Addie Ophelders

Photo: © BORUT ZIVULOVIC, Ritzau Scanpix
It is with great honour and pride, that I inform you about the fact that
our Secretary General Natasa Pirc Musar was elected last Sunday 13 November 2022 as President of the Republic of Slovenia.
I am sure that I congratulate her on behalf of all members of the European Bowling Federation.
Sad thing is, that she needs to resign from being our Secretary General.
On behalf of the EBF Presidium
Addie Ophelders
Dear Presidents, dear friends,
If I tell you that we are living in a world which is in turmoil, I am not saying something new. We are all living in a shock of what had happened to our friends in Ukraine. I have written an email to the President of the Ukrainian federation.
The email is as follows:
Dear Mr. President,
Let me start in saying that the Presidium of EBF as well as most (if not all) member federations of EBF are shocked by the recent actions.
Let me assure you, Mr. President, that EBF will strictly follow the recommendations of the IOC. Russian and Belorussian athletes and officials will be banned from participating in International (EBF) competitions.
Unfortunately, we cannot do enough to help you, your beloved and the people of your Country. We wish you all a lot of courage and strength.
On behalf of my presidium
Addie Ophelders
European Bowling Federation
As you know the IOC and GAISF have sent a recommendation to all International Sport Federations (including IBF) that athletes and officials from Russia and Belarus should be stopped from participating in international competitions. IBF and EBF follow that recommendation.
As you know, in our Presidium we have a colleague and friend Sergey Lisitsyn from Russia. Sergey was appointed by me as Championships Director for the EMC in June in Helsinki and for the EYC in September in Wittelsheim, France. Sergey has asked me to replace him for both championships; I respect his wish and he will be replaced.
I sincerely hope that this heart-breaking situation will end soon and that we can continue bowling together with all our friends.
Addie Ophelders
Dear friends,
Also this COVID year is coming to an end. It has been a year where we as ETBF have been trying to start bowling again in Europe. Since January 2020 (ESC in Vienna) we had not done any championship or tournament.
The EYC 2021 in Tilburg and the ECC 2021 in Chania, Crete were a success. During our recent Congress we have taken new steps: the logo has changed and the medals for our winners as well.
The prospects for 2022 do not look very good, but we are still optimistic that the EMC and the EWC, respectively in Helsinki and Aalborg can be bowled as scheduled.
On behalf of my presidium, including our TD Chris Hillman and IT delegate Kim Andersen, I would like to wish you and your beloved a peaceful Christmas and we hope that 2022 will bring you and your beloved lots of love, health and a successful bowling season.
Addie Ophelders
European Bowling Federation
![]() | I have just been informed that GEORGE SARAHETE from Finland has passed away on the 23 January 2021 at the age of 91 years. George was for many years the Secretary General of FIQ and gifted with the FIQ Gold Pin with Diamond – he became Honorary Member of FIQ as well. May he rest in peace. |
Finally, the year 2020 is coming to an end.
What a year! Many of us have suffered during this year.
How often have we said: “is there light at the end of the tunnel”?
YES, dear friends, there is light! Some of our countries have started vaccinating and other countries will start soon.
Will this open the door to our competitions? Let us hope so, because 2020 only gave us 1 championship (ESC) in Vienna in January. All other championships (EYC, EWC, EMC and the ECC) had to be postponed.
I am sure it must have been difficult/strange for you and your athletes to stay home. I can assure you that my Presidium and I look forward to the day where we can meet physically and be at championships. You must have the same feeling.
We hope to see all of you soon again at our championships and tournaments.
On behalf of my Presidium, I wish you and your beloved a merry Christmas and may the New Year 2021 bring you love, happiness and most important, health.
Addie Ophelders
President ETBF
Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends,
It is with great pleasure that I can announce our new secretary general for ETBF.
Natasa Pirc Musar from Slovenia has already started working with the Presidium
during our last meeting held in Ankara, Turkey, 18 and 19 October 2019.
Natasa is not only an attorney at law but also very familiar with our sport.
Many of you know her already and I am sure that she will be an excellent member of our presidium.
My presidium and me are looking forward to a wonderful cooperation.
Welcome Natasa.
We also welcome Marc Beaufays from Belgium as our new member of the Presidium.
Marc was elected to the Presidium in June 2019.
He is the president of the Belgium Bowling Federation and has a lot of experience in
our sport of Bowling.
Welcome Marc.