Valgeir Gudbjartsson

Due to Covid-19 situation in Sweden and restrictions until 20 December 2020, then the organizer of the Leandersson Christmas Tournament has postponed the tournament by just about 2 weeks, starting on the 28 December 2020 and with the final set on 6 January 2021.

The formation of the Mediterranean Bowling Confederation was decided during the General Assembly of the national bowling federations of the Mediterranean countries, which took place via teleconference on the 15th of October 2020 and unanimously approved the articles of association, the new logo and, the new Board of Directors of MBC


After the MBC Congress the new Board of Directors are:


Marios Nicolaides, from Cyprus – President

Athanasios Vasiliadis from Greece – Vice President

Beatrice Hunter from France – Treasurer

Ahmed Nasr from Egypt – Board Member

Rick Vogelesang from Malta – Board Member

Cristina Soares from Portugal – Board Member


Leonidas Maragkos from Greece – General Secretary

In yesterday´s release the International Bowling Federation approves string centers for Sport Bowling to ensure bowling operators and investors have a real choice in new technology – both free-fall and string technology are now viable options for Sport Bowling.

Now, operators and investors who choose string machines as a way to make their businesses more efficient, profitable and sustainable, can continue to offer and engage in Sport Bowling.

Press release from IBF

Download (PDF, 498KB)

Due to the COVID-19 situation around Europe then the Hosts of EWC 2020 and EMC 2020 in co-operation with ETBF Presidium have decided to further postpone the Championships as follows:

EWC 2020 will be hosted in Aalborg, Denmark during 2-13 June 2021

EMC 2020 will be hosted in Helsinki, Finland during 11-22 August 2021

The member federations will be contacted in due time with new deadlines for registration and delivery of forms as needed.

ECC 2020 cancelled,

Due to the current Covid-19 virus we are facing, the organizing committee together with ETBF have decided to cancel the ECC 2020. This means, there will be no European Championship of Champions in 2020

We welcome you in Chania, Greece in 2021
As the ECC 2020 organizing committee had prepared to welcome you to Chania then it was agreed between the host of ECC 2020, the host of ECC 2021, the host of ECC 2022 and ETBF, that EYC 2021 will be hosted in Chania, GR, and Czech Republic who were already preparing to host the ECC 2021, will move and host the ECC 2022, and Germany will move as well from 2022 and host the ECC 2023 in Berlin. .

This means that the ECC 2021 will take place in Chania, GR during 25 October to 1 November 2021 and the ECC 2022 will take place in Olomouc, Czech Republic, and finally the ECC 2023 will take place in Berlin, Germany.

We hope all federations, coaches, managers and athletes understand this decision.

EYC 2020 cancelled, Tilburg, Netherlands, will be host city 2021

Due to the current Covid-19 virus we are facing, the organizing committee together with ETBF and the city of Tilburg have decided to cancel the EYC 2020. This means, there will be no European Youth Championships in 2020!

It is a hard decision to make, knowing how athletes and coaches look forward to this event every year. But given the circumstances, we also feel we have no other choice. The situation in Europe is looking better than before and because we like to keep it that way for the upcoming months, we believe it is not responsible to invite athletes, coaches and fans from over 20 countries to come to Tilburg and compete for the medals. Besides that, it is unsure if the local authorization gives us permission to host an international event like this in October 2020.

We welcome you in Tilburg in 2021
As the EYC 2020 organizing committee had prepared to welcoming you to Tilburg then it was agreed between the host of EYC 2020, the host of EYC 2021 and ETBF, that EYC 2021 will be hosted in Tilburg, NL, and France who were already preparing to host the EYC 2021, will move and host the EYC 2022.

This means that the EYC 2021 will take place in Tilburg 25 March to 4 April 2021 and the EYC 2022 will take place in Wittelsheim, France.

We hope all federations, coaches, managers and athletes (and their parents) understand these decisions. We also realize this raises some questions. We will collect all the questions we receive on and try to answer the questions a.s.a.p.

We keep chasing our dreams and hope you do to!  Let’s stay connected via our socials @eycbowling. Have a healthy and safe summer.

Dear MBC Federations,

Dear friends,

As worries over COVID-19 continue to grow, so does the list of major events that are being cancelled. Many major event organizers are not taking any chances as cases continue to rise globally.

France currently has the second-highest number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Europe after Italy.

It is therefore unfortunate that we have agreed with the organizers of the Mediterranean Bowling Championships in Paris (22-29 March 2020) to postpone the event to 19-26 JULY 2020.

We know that France is doing all it can to contain the new Coronavirus and we support them in all their efforts but it is necessary to provide our athletes, coaches and member Federations with a clear way forward in what is a complex and fast-moving set of circumstances.

The advice from the French medical team, who are in contact with the World Health Organization, is that the spread of the Coronavirus both within France and outside the country is still at a concerning level and no one should be going ahead with any major gatherings that can be postponed.

I am sure that almost all the federations will have to pay a penalty fee of changing the flight tickets but there is no higher priority for us than the health, safety and physical well-being of attendees and event staff.

Hotel fees and rates will stay the same.

We will come back with a revise bulleting and instructions in due course.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Marios Nicolaides

MBC committee

Today the following sad message was published from the Organizer of Brunswick Euro Challenge:


Dear bowlers, the situation with COVID-19 (Corona-Virus) gets more serious in Germany and Europe.

Many sports events were already canceled.

We cannot accept the risk of an infection of the participants or our employees during the Brunswick Euro Challenge.

We are responsible for the health of over 70 employees and for bowlers at such a big tournament. Health is the most important thing.

In coordination with ETBF, we decided to postpone the Brunswick Euro Challenge 2020, until further notice.

We regret the postponing and hope to find another spot in 2020.

Martin Knoebl

Tournament Director Brunswick Euro Challenge


We will in the coming weeks, when we see how the situation with COVID-19 will progress, try to find spot in the calendar of the EBT 2020 so we will enjoy to have this important tournament still in the European Bowling Tour 2020.  When we have found the spot, we will publish accordingly.


Valgeir Gudbjartsson

EBT Director.

The Hammer Bronzen Schietspoel Tournament, was conducted in Dolfijn, the Plays To Be, Tilburg, Netherlands during 16-23 February 2020;a total of 592 entries by 238 athletes (where of 50 women) bowled during the week.

After two steps of 4 person pools then we had the final pool of 4 persons playing 2 games for the ultimate prices – results as follows:

Mathias Ankerdal, Denmark:              224+266= 490

Michael Krämer, Germany:                237+210= 447

Cajsa Wegner, Sweden:                    168+192= 376 incl. hdc.

Mark Jacobs, Netherlands:                 304+164=368

This was the first win for young Mathias Ankerdal, Denmark on the European Bowling Tour.

Highest ranked woman became Cajsa Wegner, Sweden.

After the Hammer Bronzen Schietspoel, then we did not see any changes in the leadership of the European Bowling Tour.


Mens ranking can be seen here

Womens ranking can be seen here