Valgeir Gudbjartsson
The Brunswick Euro Challenge was once again held in Unterföhring just outside of Munich, Germany from the 13th of July until the 21st of July 2024 in the amazing Dream-Bowl Palace, which by many is regarded as the best and most beautiful bowling centre in Europe. Total of 749 entries and re-entries were bowled during the duration of the tournament by 228 players, where of 31 were women.
After three final steps it came down to a three player stepladder final. In the first game we had Noel Haglund from Sweden against Nu‘man Syahmi from Singapore. Syahmi came out on top with the score of 229 to Haglund‘s 193.
That set up a title match between Syahmi and Tobias Hogdin from Sweden, which meant that once again we would get a new winner on the european tour.
The final was very even and exciting and came down to the 10th frame, Hogdin needed a strike to seal his victory but only got 7 which opened the door for Syahmi, he however left a 10 pin which meant that Hogdin needed a spare and 9 to seal the victory. He picked up the spare and followed it up with a strike meaning he was the winner with the score of 236 to Syahmi‘s 233. Congratulations Tobias on your first title!
A huge contingent of Singapore women bowlers attended the tournament in Germany and the winner of the women‘s ranking was one of them, Shayna Ng, who finished 5th in the tournament.
The complete ranking after the 8th tournament can be seen here: Women | Men
The 18th Storm San Marino Open was once again held in beautiful Serravalle, San Marino from the 6th of July until the 14th of July 2024 in Rose‘n Bowl bowling centre. Total of 447 entries and re-entries were bowled during the duration of the tournament by 147 players, where of 21 were women.
After three final steps and four games in the deciding fourth final step it came down to the two last players. Kevin Melin from Sweden and three time EBT winner, Arnar Jonsson from Iceland.
Before the last game, Melin had a 55 pin lead and looked like he was going to win the title without any problems, but in the last game Jonsson managed to string a few strikes and mount a comeback but unfortunately he left the 10 pin on his second shot in the 10th frame meaning that Melin only needed 6 pins for the win. He did more than that and got 9 pins which mean‘t that Melin captured his first ever EBT title! Congratulations Kevin.
Essi Pakarinen, Finland was the highest ranked woman for the second tournament in a row, she finished in 6th place and extends her lead in the women ranking.
The complete ranking after the 8th tournament can be seen here: Women | Men
The 10th Brunswick Madrid Challenge was once again held in beautiful Madrid, Spain from the 29th of June until the 7th of July 2024 in Bowling Chamartín bowling centre. Total of 424 entries and re-entries were bowled during the duration of the tournament by 156 players, where of 20 were women.
After four final steps it came down to a three player stepladder final. First seeded was Mike Bartaire from France, second seed was Jesus Briceno from Spain and the third seed was Alvin Kvarnström from Sweden. All of them were hoping for their first title on the European Tour.
In the first match, Briceno managed to defeat Kvarnström with the score of 237 to 205 and move on to the final match.
In the final match, Briceno took home the victory in his home country in a very exciting finale where Bartaire had the chance to win but missed a single pin spare in the 10th frame to lose by only 8 pins, 245 pins for Briceno to Bartaire‘s 237.
This was Briceno‘s first title on the tour, congratulations Jesus!
Essi Pakarinen, Finland was the highest ranked woman, she finished in 13th place.
The complete ranking after the 7th tournament can be seen here: Women | Men
The EBT-Youth Masters 2024 will be conducted in Lövvang Bowling Center, Aalborg, Denmark on the 30 August 2024, in conjunction with the EBT-Youth 2024-2025 Stop2.
Invitation letter is been prepared and sent to all top 8 athletes from each category (1,2,3 – Boys/Girls) now.
In this invitation the information is about format, prize money and schedule.
All top 8 atletes in the ranking as can be seen here have received an invitation direct per email.
The EWC2024 was conducted in Wittelsheim, France 4-15 June 2024 – 108 athletes from 23 Federations participated in 6 disciplines.
During the Women Championship we saw 2 new records and many exciting matches.
The new European Champions are as follows:
Singles: Nora Johansson, Sweden
Doubles: Sabrina Laub and Franziska Czech, Germany
Trios: Janin Ribguth, Sabrina Laub and Franziska Czech, Germany
Teams: Anna Andersson, Sandra De Neergaard, Jenny Wegner, Hanna Engberg, Josefin Hermansson, Nora Johansson, Sweden
All Events: Nora Johansson, Sweden
Masters: Nora Johansson, Sweden
Other results can be found here: https://bowlingresults.info/ewc/2024
The Kegel Aalborg International 2024 was once again held in Aalborg, Denmark from the 19th of May until the 26th of May in the classic Lovvang Bowling Centre. Total of 456 entries and re-entries were bowled during the duration of the tournament by 163 players, where of 37 were women.
After three final steps it came down to a two player final between Robin Ilhammar from Sweden and the European Youth Masters champion Mathias Otting from Norway.
In the end Ilhammar managed to get the win with the score of 237 to Otting‘s score of 222. This was Ilhammar‘s second title on the tour.
Third place belonged to Paul Purps from Germany who won the 3rd place match against Alexander Tigerstrand from Sweden.
Nora Johansson, Sweden was the highest ranked woman, she finished in 13th place.
The complete ranking after the fourth tournament can be seen here: Women | Men
The Bowl for Fun Open was held in Langen, Germany from the 8th of May until the 19th of May in the Bowl for Fun bowling centre. Total of 507 entries and re-entries were bowled during the duration of the tournament by 183 players, where of 29 were women.
After the first three final steps it came down to a 4 player stepladder. The four players making the stepladder were Teodor Samuelsson from Sweden, Niclas Sörensen from Denmark, Mike Bergmann from the Netherlands and Emanuel Jonsson from Sweden.
In the first match Bergmann won against Jonsson with the score of 228 to 222.
In the second match Sörensen won against Bergmann with the score of 264 to 258.
And in the final match it was the Teodor Samuelsson show, he started with the front 10 strikes but did not manage to finish with a 300 but instead shot a 287 to Sörensen‘s score of 188.
This is Samuelsson‘s first win on the European Tour, congratulations Teodor!
Misaki Bolleby, Japan was the highest ranked woman, she finished in 26th place.
The complete ranking after the fourth tournament can be seen here: Women | Men (Will be updated ASAP with points from Langen and Aalborg)
The EBT Masters 2024 was held in Langen, Germany 15 May 2024
After the first 8 games the field was cut to 4 of each gender and they bowled another 4 games with scores going forward.
Final standing as follows:
- Essi Pakarinen, Finland with 2808
- Misaky Bolleby, Japan with 2634
- Emma Haltunen, Sweden with 2451
- Maria Bak Gerding, Denmark with 2364
- Mathias Ankerdal, Denmark with 3003
- William Svensson, Sweden with 2831
- Lukas Jelinek, Czech with 2754
- Kim Bolleby, Sweden with 2714
The Valcke Bronzen Schietspoel Tournament was once again held in Tilburg, Netherlands from the 4th of February until the 11th of February in the beautiful Dolfijn – The Plays To Be bowling centre. Total of 452 entries and re-entries were bowled during the duration of the tournament by 190 players, where of 35 were women.
After four final steps it came down to the final four players bowling two games where the highest total pinfall was the winner.
The four players were Mathias Ankerdal from Denmark, Victor Gundersen from Denmark, Paul Sullivan Purps from Germany and Juho Rissanen from Finland.
After the first game Victor was in the lead with a 258 game, Purps had the score of 224, Ankerdal had the score of 215 and in 4th place was Rissanen with the score of 183.
It all came down to the 10th frame in the second game where three players had the chance to win the tournament, Purps needed a double in the 10th frame but only got a 9 on his first shot and in the end finished with the score of 437. That meant that if Victor Gundersen would double he would win the tournament, however he only got the first strike and then got a 9 in the second shot which meant he ended on the score of 438.
Last one to step up was Mathias Ankerdal who knew that a double in the 10th would win him the tournament. He got the first strike but unfortunately for him, he only got 7 on the second shot.
In the end this was the final standings
Victor Gundersen – 438
Paul Sullivan Purps – 437
Mathias Ankerdal – 431
Juho Rissanen – 398
This is Gundersen‘s first win on the European Tour, congratulations Victor!
Nicole Sanders, Netherlands was the highest ranked woman, she finished in 14th place.
The complete ranking after the fourth tournament can be seen here: Women | Men
The EBT Director has made the decission to introduce exemption from the EBT Rules for the BOWL for Fun Open in Langen, Germany, Allowing unique and diverse style of play.
There will be a mixed kind of bowling in the qualification stages, both conventional dual lane style and 18 athletes will qualify for the final stagest from that, then there will be single lane competition = single athlete pr lane playing 6 games and has to finish within certain time. There will also be 18 athletes qualifying for the final step 1 from that part, then in addition are 18 athletes more qualifying from various other ways, Early Bird, Desperato, High-Low and more. In total there will be 54 athletes qualified for final step 1.
Then the final step 1 will also played as single lane competition and 3 games have to be finalized within certain time limits, as before when the time limits ends then athletes if not finished have to stop and all frames left will be getting 0. – Final step 1 is 3 games and the time for the 3 games are 45 minutes – I think all can agree that this should not be difficult task!
Final step 2 and those followoing will be played as traditional dual lane competition.
For our parts – it will be insteresting to see how scoring pace and not least timing will go, there are number of people in our community that have some doubts if bowling is on the right path, i.a. the „purple“ domination is getting over our heads, and slow bowling as well.
If you can work the lane pattern then you can do the single lane competion as yours, and you can go all the way into top 27 without worrying of getting hurt by play on the same lane as any other damaging „your line“.
Please see all details of BOWL for Fun Open here