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Today the following sad message was published from the Organizer of Brunswick Euro Challenge:


Dear bowlers, the situation with COVID-19 (Corona-Virus) gets more serious in Germany and Europe.

Many sports events were already canceled.

We cannot accept the risk of an infection of the participants or our employees during the Brunswick Euro Challenge.

We are responsible for the health of over 70 employees and for bowlers at such a big tournament. Health is the most important thing.

In coordination with ETBF, we decided to postpone the Brunswick Euro Challenge 2020, until further notice.

We regret the postponing and hope to find another spot in 2020.

Martin Knoebl

Tournament Director Brunswick Euro Challenge


We will in the coming weeks, when we see how the situation with COVID-19 will progress, try to find spot in the calendar of the EBT 2020 so we will enjoy to have this important tournament still in the European Bowling Tour 2020.  When we have found the spot, we will publish accordingly.


Valgeir Gudbjartsson

EBT Director.

The Hammer Bronzen Schietspoel Tournament, was conducted in Dolfijn, the Plays To Be, Tilburg, Netherlands during 16-23 February 2020;a total of 592 entries by 238 athletes (where of 50 women) bowled during the week.

After two steps of 4 person pools then we had the final pool of 4 persons playing 2 games for the ultimate prices – results as follows:

Mathias Ankerdal, Denmark:              224+266= 490

Michael Krämer, Germany:                237+210= 447

Cajsa Wegner, Sweden:                    168+192= 376 incl. hdc.

Mark Jacobs, Netherlands:                 304+164=368

This was the first win for young Mathias Ankerdal, Denmark on the European Bowling Tour.

Highest ranked woman became Cajsa Wegner, Sweden.

After the Hammer Bronzen Schietspoel, then we did not see any changes in the leadership of the European Bowling Tour.


Mens ranking can be seen here

Womens ranking can be seen here

Story 2020-04; ESC2020

Published on 1 February 2020 by Valgeir Gudbjartsson

The 1st edition of the European Senior Championships was concluded on Saturday 1 February in Plus Bowling, Vienna, Austria.

In this 1st version of the ESC then we saw athletes from 25 federations – 96 men and 65 ladies compete in singles, doubles, teams all events and masters.

The 10 titles were distributed as follows:

5 titles in the women’s division

Singles: Elga di Benedetto, Italy

Doubles: Jaana Taavitsainen & Reija Lunden, Finland

Teams: Germany: Martina Beckel, Bianca Völkl-Brandt, Sabine Sonnenschein, Renate Heeg.

All Events: Sue Abela, Malta

Masters:Tuula Tamminen, Finland

5 titles in the men’s division

Singles: Gery Verbruggen, Belgium

Doubles: Luciano Marsero & Marco Reviglio, Italy

Teams: Germany: Tomas Fenselau, Robert Vetter, Peter Knopp, Frank Öing

All Events: Marco Reviglio, Italy

Masters: Marco Spiteri, Malta

Italy became the best federation with 3 Gold, 1 silver and 2 Bronze, Germany became the second best nation with 2 Gold, 2 Silver and 2 Bronze and Finland became the third best nation with 2 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze

The 50th Brunswick Ballmaster Open, conducted in the notorious Tali Bowl in Helsinki 3 – 12 January was historical; it was record setting tournament with 690 athletes, and 1334 entries.  Prize fund was also record setting for the EBT, over 150.000 EUR were paid out in prizes.

After the two groups of 12-person round robin then top 3 from each group went into the final steps and battled out for the victory as follows:

Group a)

  1. Marshall Kent
  2. Kyle Troup
  3. Christopher Sloan

Group b)

  1. Matthew McNiel
  2. Nathan Ruest Lajoie
  3. William Svensson

In the TV playoffs then results came as follows:

Nathan Ruest Lajoie von Christopher Sloan

Kyle Troup ousted WIlliem Svensson

Nathan Ruest Lajoie won Marshall Kent                  233-194

Matthew McNiel won Kyle Troup                           228-226

And in the final match we saw Nathan Ruest Lajoie win Matthew McNiel 267-256

This was the first win for Nathan Roest Lajoie on the European Bowling Tour.

After Brunswick Ballmaster open, then Christopher Sloan is still the leader on the EBT 2020 men´s side. The highest woman in Ballmaster became Birgit Pöppler and but Joline Persson Planefors is leading the EBT 2020 on the women’s side.

Mens ranking can be seen here

Womens ranking can be seen here

The 40th AIK International Tournament Powered by Track, was conducted in Bowl-O-Rama in Stockholm, Sweden as usually over the year change 2019-2020.  369 athletes, 67 women and 302 men fought out for the first price in total 881 entries.

As usually then the format does offer a Semifinal on Sunday night for 56 athletes of which 12 will go to the Final Step 1 starting on Monday morning 6 January.

After the final step 4 then following standing was after 14 games total, from Final Step 2, 6 games, from Final Step 3 another 4 games, and Final Step finally 4 games.

  1. Teemu Putkisto, Finland 3176
  2. Jesper Svensson, Sweden 3175
  3. Christopher Sloan, Ireland 3101
  4. Eric Sjöberg, Sweden 3092
  5. Joline Person Planefors, Sweden 3081
  6. Markus Jansson, Sweden 3072
  7. James Blomgren, Sweden 3012
  8. Tomas Leandersson, Sweden 2991

After this then the top 3 concluded the tournament with two one game stepladder matches as follows:

Match 1: Christopher Sloan vs Jesper Svensson: 234 vs 223

Match 2: Christopher Sloan vs Teemu Putkisto: 189 vs 175

This was the first win for Christopher Sloan on the European Bowling Tour.

Teemu Putkisto was here second year in row competing in stepladder finals, but in 2019 he lost in Match 1 and became # 3, now he is moving up, so we wait to see what will happen in 2021!

After the AIK International Tournament powered by Track, then Christopher Sloan is the leader on the EBT 2020 men´s side. The highest woman in AIK became Joline Person Planefors and she will be leading the EBT 2020 on the women’s side.

Ranking men can be seen here

Ranking women can be seen here

Next weekend we will see the finals of the 50 year anniversary version of the Ballmaster Open in Helsinki.

Dear All,

The Presidium of the European Tenpin Bowling Federation wishes all their member federations and the leadership of World Bowling a Merry Christmas and may the new year 2020 bring you and your beloved a lot of happiness, health and lots of love.


Addie Ophelders
President ETBF

ETBF Presidium has awarded the hosting of the European Championship of Champions 2022 to The German Bowling Federation, ECC 2022 to be held at Bowlplay Berlin, Germany during 24-30 October 2022.

ETBF Presidium is confident that the German Bowling Federation will host a perfect championship.

This year we have newcomers as winners of the EBT.  On the women’s division we had Anna Andersson from Sweden winning the tour with 688 points, well in front of a well-known athlete, Jenny Wegner, Sweden with 537 points, Anna had already secured the win, and did not participate in the last stop of the tour in Aalborg.  3rd place was Mai Ginge Jensen from Denmark.

The leader of the men’s division of the tour, Arnar David Jonsson, had won one EBT title in Odense in 2018, but this year decided to participate full force, and the results were 2 EBT titles, in Track Open in Munich, and in the last stop in Aalborg.  Arnar got 670 points in total, in front of Adam Andersson, Sweden with 579 points and 3rd place Kim Bolleby, Thailand with 454 points.

We are congratulating the two tour winners, who each will be awarded 1.000 € for their victories of their division in the European Bowling Tour 2019.

Click here to see the final ranking in the 2019 Women’s Division

Click here to see the final ranking in the 2019 Men’s Division

Kegel Aalborg International 2019, was conducted in Aalborg, Denmark 3 – 10 November 2019.  107 athletes, 30 women and 77 men fought out for the first price.

After the first of 4 games in final step 4 then it came obvious that the battle of the tittle would be between 2 athletes from Sweden and 1 athlete from Iceland.

  1. William Svensson from Sweden – 1374 (previous 6 games) + 268 = 442
  2. Arnar David Jonsson from Iceland – 1407 Prev. 6 games) + 233 = 440
  3. Martin Larsen from Sweden – 1357 (previous 6 games) + 257 = 414

Then Arnar decided to step it up and had secured good 96 pin lead before the last game, and could slow down and relax in the last game, results for the top 3 ended as follows:

  1. Arnar David Jónsson, Iceland 354 – 10 games
  2. William Svensson, Sweden 307 – 10 games
  3. Martin Larsen, Sweden 289 – 10 games.

This became the 2nd title for Arnar David Jonsson on the EBT this season, and 3rd title in 2 years – and he became the winner of the EBT 2019.   First Icelandic athlete to achieve this.

Highest woman in Aalborg became Birgit Poeppler, Germany.

We did see small changes in the women’s division of the tour as Anna Andersson from Sweden had already won the EBT 2019 with 688 points in front of her country woman Jenny Wegner with 537 points, but Mai Ginge Jensen from Denmark moved up to 3rd place with 533 points.

In men’s division no changes either,  Arnar David Jonsson, Iceland is the winner of the mens division of the tour with 670 points in front of Adam Andersson from Sweden at position 2 with 579 points and Kim Bolleby from Thailand at position 3 with 454 points.

Click here to see the ranking in the Women’s Division

Click here to see the ranking in the Men’s Division


Glenn Morten Pedersen from Norway and Joline Persson Planefors from Sweden win the women´s and men´s titles at the ECC 2019


Glenn was leading the 38 athletes group from the second block of qualifications and won Adam Cairns from England in exiting best of three final, two games to none, first game 246-214 and the second game came tied 221-221 and went to one ball roll off 30-29.


In the semi-finals, Glenn won fourth-seeded Paco Rodríguez of Spain, while no. 3 Adam won last year’s silver medalist Jesper Agerbo of Denmark.


In the women’s championship match, Joline came back from a 0-1 deficit and defeated qualifying leader and defending champion Mai Ginge Jensen of Denmark, 224-181 and 238-227 to become the third Swedish ECC champion in the last four years.


In the semi-final matches, top-seeded Mai Ginge won no. 4 Laura Marcham of England in two games, while second-seeded Joline did go all the way against Denise Blankenzee, Netherlands, and won, two-games-to-one.